Japan Karate Associaton of Australia Martial arts school
located at 42 Deakin Ave in Mildura (Victoria). To contact the Japan Karate Associaton of Australia Martial arts school available
call customer service +61 3 5023 6256.
Frequently asked Questions
☎️ What is the Japan Karate Associaton of Australia Martial arts school customer service phone number at 42 Deakin Ave?
Japan Karate Associaton of Australia Martial arts school customer service ☎ at 42 Deakin Ave available by phone
+61 3 5023 6256.
⛳️ Where is Japan Karate Associaton of Australia Martial arts school located at 42 Deakin Ave?
Martial arts school Japan Karate Associaton of Australia at 42 Deakin Ave is located in Mildura (Victoria)
⏰ What are the opening hours of Japan Karate Associaton of Australia Martial arts school at 42 Deakin Ave?
Japan Karate Associaton of Australia Martial arts school at 42 Deakin Ave has the following opening hours:: Tuesday: 6:30-8pm; Wednesday: Closed; Thursday: 6:30-8pm; Friday: Closed; Saturday: Closed; Sunday: Closed; Monday: 6:30-8pm.